- The Movement
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- The Movement
- Meet Us
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- The Movement
- Meet Us
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- Our Projects
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- The Movement
- Meet Us
- Our Events
- Our Projects
Women of
Women carry the seeds of the regenerative culture: Archiarchy.
We source radical evolutionary actions to create the future we want on Earth.
The Movement
The Women of Earth is a global movement of Women graduating from Patriarchy, walking beyond the edge of modern civilization and inventing bridges to regenerative culture, Archiarchy, together.
As we leave behind the outdated thoughtware that has kept us in prisons, we enter a path of initiation to jack-into our inner and outer infinite resources. This path has no end, enlightment is not the goal.
When women wake up from dormancy, then naturally take radical responsibility for the visions of human cultures they envision.
The Women of Earth Movement is an answer to the universal call for women to invent new human infrastructure that are life-giving instead of ecocidal.
The Women of Earth after an EHP-Party (Emotional Healing Process-Party) in Florianópolis, Brazil, part of the Women of Earth Bridgehouse that took place for 4 months in 2024.
What we do
In Archiarchy, we look for treasures that grow by giving them away.
Our research is open-source thoughtware and copyleft under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. This means: take everything that you find useful for your own workshops, trainings, books, articles and videos. The only request is that you name 'Women of Earth' or 'Possibility Management' as the source so that people who love the work can find its source.
The experiments, processes and practices that we offer, we have gone through ourselves.
We deliver high-quality Authentic Adulthood Archan Initiations to each other and others in trainings, worktalks, and Rage & Fear Clubs.
We source land-based global cultural experiment centers call Bridgehouses and Archiarchy Inventions Centers.
We build Grownesses to replaces Businesses. We design new human structures aligned with the values placed at the center of our lives.
We hold space for each other and others to use wounds and reactivity as gatewaya for healing through Emotional Healing Processes.
We creatively collaborate with other women edgeworkers by sharing the traditions and distinctions of our culture.
We reach out to our sisters who forgot the power of their voice and awaken unquenchable inspiration through clarity.
Meet Us
A movement is not what is written on paper. A movement is made out of people; how they interact; and what they create with each other, in reality.
When the Women of Earth come together, we exchange nonmaterial value of Clarity, Possibility, Healing, Closeness, Teambuilding and Empowerment.
Reach out directly to one of us and experience radical collaboration between women.
Our Events
A Women of Earth Laboratory or Lab is where women go through specific core adulthood and archetypal initiations on their Path of Evolution.
Labs are athanors that burn through the thickest layers of your survival to uncover your real purpose and competences.
The depth of the liquid states you experience during Labs creates a indelible bound between the women, one that sustained over years and personal challenges.
Online Events
A Women of Earth event is where women around the world come to celebrate their transformational participation in an environment that feeds their Being to an extraordinary degree. Events are Rage Club in which you reclaim the power of your Conscious Anger; Fear Club for attuning to the power of your Conscious Fear; Good Girl Busting training; Women Visibility training; Women of Earth weekly possibility teams; and more...
Our Projects
The Women of Earth Summit 2026
The Women of Earth Summit is a unique transformational platform for Women to amplify their projects as much as the projects of other women. The Summit is held in the full-of-possibility context of Archiarchy. Using the tools and processes of Possibility Management, we invite you to weave yourself within the collaborative empowerement net of women taking radical action in the world.
From January 14-18, 2026 in Golden Bay, New Zealand.
Project Empowerment Monthly Call
Women carry seeds for projects that are in fact bridges to regenerative cultures. It is time for these seeds to sprout,
but obsolete thoughtware often interferes. If you think, 'I need to have it all figured it out before I start.', 'I do not know how it goes.', 'I am alone.' These patterns keep patriarchal structures in place.
Something completely different from this is possible right now. The Women of Earth movement specializes in transforming old thinking and feelings patterns and weaving effective team collaborations.Women of Earth European Tour 2024
As long as a woman chooses to survive in Patriarchy, she remains an uninitiated woman. Women! We share the chance to start over. The shift from woman to Woman occurs as you cross the bridge to Archiarchy, the culture emerging now that Matriarchy and Patriarchy have run their course. Regaining your dignity starts by facing your fears of exiting Patriarchy, and your fears of NOT exiting Patriarchy. Once your fears have spoken, the choice is up to you.
Women around the world are graduation from the old culture and co-creating Archiarchy. What about you?
What The Women Say
I am burning the idea that someone is always judging me. I am burning the strategy of ongoingly scanning for how I am not good enough.
I am burning the pressure to constantly prove myself, prove to others that I am worth their company.
I am burning my academic past, where I had to always be top of the class to financially survive and be appreciated.
I am burning being in competition with you other women.
I am burning the idea of not having a team. I have a team. I have had one all this time. I blocked myself from seeing it these past months. Now I see you.
I love you team.
— Juliane
Since I returned from this great experience to be with 40 other women navigating out of patriarchy, I feel myself so much softer than usual. Everything is touching me so deep. I experience the world as I did when I was pregnant.
It might be a song, a cat walking across the street, looking at me, … even cleaning my flat touches me so deeply. I feel a deep conscious sadness of gratefulness to be alive as a woman in the world. I am so alive and connected with myselve and with all of us.
— Cornelia
I witnessed Women in their rawest form. Beyond stories, beyond conditioning. What I witnessed was magnificent. I witnessed women transform from lifelessness to forces of nature, moved by something vital that came through you. I felt my own incompetence of being in the extreme delicacy of space when the Being of Woman is emerging into form. I exited patriarchy through the hands, bodies, voices, roars of women, hands that delivered me through my own struggle, my own harnessing of my rawest strength into the fresh air of the yet to be sourced. Now, I grieved the magic we had found by going together, by opening my eyes and letting other women into me, letting other women pull out if me what is struggling into form. I am metamorphous, liquid gooey and essential.
— Millicent