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Women Sourcing Archiarchy
Archiarchy, the regenerative cultures emerging on Earth as Patriarchy has run its course.
Archiarchy is a newly invented culture centered on Radical Responsibility, Authentic Adulthood Initiations, Creative Collaborative and Nonmaterial Value.
The bridge to Archiarchy is made as we walk it.
We are walking it.
We are inviting you to walk with us.
Above are the faces of 34 Women Of Earth newly transformed in the Women Of Earth Lab in Brazil, April 2024 with Anne-Chloé Destremau and Vera Franco.
In this Lab, we focused on inner and outer transformation with the distinction: Whatever Burns Is Not Real.
There was no rushing through the burning. There was no space for inauthenticity to stay and linger. After all that could be burned, women stood shinning besides each other, arrogantly fierce on another woman's team, with a sharp Sword at her neck so the Woman standing at the tip end of the sword keeps her Dignity. And what happened once again as the most natural of things, was true Collaboration. Collaboration not so that each woman becomes a happy woman, or with more success in the current ecocidal culture. These women are not interested in being successful ecocidal agents with troupes of followers and money. This was Collaboration for the Gaian Gameworlds that want to emerge from a Woman Of Earth can unfold and develop in the world.
They dared to leave the fluffy, pink, shinny cool-land of social media modern culture success and hit bottom. In the bottom they found relief to not be playing a role, to not be putting on a show. But most interestingly, they found space inside themselves for a true Dignity that does not emerge from a measuring stick of material value, but from the forces of Nature that want to speak and express through them, and from the hunger each one of them has for the multiple regenerative cultures - and Archiarchy amongst them - to take even more space in the world.
Women Of Earth are Spaceholders for Archiarchy, and are spaceholders for more Regenerative Cultures to emerge and unfold on this planet.
They have enough Radical Freedom to make unreasonable choices and take radical stands without putting themselves under victim pressure.
They have enough Adulthood in them that when they roll their sleeves up they get create conscious results in reality. Instead of complaining about how things are, they create what they long for.
They demolish ecocidal Gameworlds and Build multiple Gaian Gameworlds instead.
They are conscious Pirates protecting Beings that cannot protect themselves from abusive corporations.
They are Healers that empower each other and others with new tools to heal themselves and to research about different dimensions and layers of Healing and Being Alive so that each human being can gain their authority about physical, intellectual, emotional, energetic, and archetypal ‘health’.
They are Memetic Engineers that can, with the power of words, change lives forever by dismantling old patterns of thinking and of living.
They are Women who have something more important than their survival to think about: Living their Destiny.
They are Women who live by radically relying on the Archetypal Forces that move them to be a bold, brave, healthy, loving, courageous conscious creator they can be.
Resources for Archiarchy
Archiarchy is not good. Patriarchy is not bad.
The good/bad belief system is in itself a Shadow Principle promoted by the Church
to create followers and money-giving 'sinners'.
There is, however, a very clear Distinction between the Context, Values, Purpose and Consequences
of Archiarchy and that of Patriarchy
If your choices are based on the belief system of good and bad, you are in prison and your choices are not your own, they depends on the external authority figure who decides what is good and what is bad.
You can change your mind and reclaim your Power of Choice to not be based on Reasons, but on Clarity of Consciousness.
The websites below are the results of decades of research into deepening Clarity and Transformational and Healing Processes, so that your choices can be informed through expanded awareness.