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Meet the Women of Earth in ...
Trainers in the Infinity Ring of the Women of Earth context.
Meet the visionholders, spaceholders, guardians and evolutionaries of the Archan context of the Women of Earth.
Ana Norambuena
Based in Golden Bay, New Zealand.
Spaceholder for Possibility Management New Zealand.
Co-originator of Ontree - Archiarchy Invention Center.
Possibility Management Trainer. Gremlin Transformer. Possibility Coach, and magical Mother of two Beings.
Speaks Germany, Spanish and English fluently.
Anne-Chloé Destremau
Nomadic. Speaks English & French.
Possibility Management Trainer. Memetic Engineer.
Spaceholder for Possibility Management Global.
Co-originator of the StartOver.xyz Game.
Originator of Rage Club & Fear Club.
Training spaceholders is her specialty.
Lisa Ommert
Based in Würzburg, Germany & international traveler.
Possibility Management Trainer. Gremlin Transformer. Possibility Coach. Consciousness smith that slay through your layers of good girl, through guilt, shame, and pressure to find your place of Integrity. Spaceholder for Frauen der Erde.
Vera Franco
Nomadic. Speaks English, Portuguese and Spanish.
Spaceholder for Possibility Management USA and Brazil.
Possibility Management Trainer. Co-originator of Gremlin Transformation. Intimacy navigatrice and relationship researcher. Spaceholder for the Women of Earth Bridge-House. Vera loves women who research!
Women of Earth located in DACH: Germany, Switzerland & Austria
They are German-speakers healers, doulas, spaceholders, mothers, witches, initiators, archan permaculturists.
Do not hesitate to reach out to them for a spontaneous call or cup of coffee.
Lisa Ommert
Based in Würzburg, Germany & international traveler.
Spaceholder for Frauen der Erde.
Eva Daubert
Co-spaceholder for Frauen der Erde. Co-spaceholder for Archiarchy Freiburg. Rage Club and Fear Club Spaceholder. Originator of the Good Girl Busting training. Archan Food Grower. Trained in Feldenkrais work.
Sophia Wegele
Based in Allgäu, Germany.
Co-spaceholder for the Frauen der Erde. Originator of Possibility Management Ammersee with a regular Possibility Team. Rage Club Spaceholder.
Riccarda Niklis
Based in Bodensee.
Sexual abuse healer: the healing starts when the unspeakable is spoken.
Rage Club spaceholder. Possibility Coach and Memetic Engineering. Writer, her first book is close to the finish line.
Sabine Lange
Based in Hannover, Germany.
Spaceholder for Possibility Coaching. Rage Club spaceholder. Impro theater. Sabine: "In Archiarchy, woman learn the skill to navigate their own heart and hold space for others to do so."
Sophia Kastner
Based in Vienna, Austria.
Feelings coach. Rage Club spaceholder. Possibility Maker. Sophia empowers women to empower each other.
Dorothea Eitel
Based between Germany and Mexico.
Archan dancer and choreographer. Dorothea brings upgraded thoughtware to the world of art and dance.
Hold space for Gaia's Voice.
Kathrin Jehle
Based in Schloss Glarisegg, Switzerland.
Emotional Healing Process spaceholder. Rage Club Spaceholder. Originator of Healing Void: a space to transform the unsaid emotions post induced abortion in 5 bodies. Kathrin is a permanent member of Schloss Glarissegg ecovillage.
Johanna Pfab
Based in Berlin, Germany.
Intimacy Journeyer. Rage Club Spaceholder. Possibility Team Spaceholder. Conscious Feelings navigator. Polyglotes. Bridge between Chinese and Archan cultures.
Astrid Grübbel
Based in Kassel, Germany.
Archan Midwife, holding space for women to learn to feel before, during, and post-birth.
Sandra Mathes
Based in Untersiggenthal, Switzerland.
Spaceholder for Possibility Coaching. A mum whose children go to a school that supports intrinsic learning on their own projects.
Franziska Siebert
Based in Nature Community, Germany.
Women of Earth located in the rest of Europe
They are Spanish, Deutsch, Portuguese and English-speakers healers, doulas, spaceholders, mothers, witches, initiators, archan permaculturists based all over Europe. They are ready to connect with you!
Marina Mello
Living in Italy, Bologna. Born in Brazil. Speaks Portuguese, Italian and English. Archan Mother researcher along with Sareeta x Rage Club Spaceholder = Raging Mothers. Emotional Healing Process spaceholder. Marina's knacks are being an Archan Photographer and Filmmaker. She writes for Italian magazines, spreading Archiarchy in Italy.
Sareeta Pattni
London-based. Born in Kenya from Indian parents. Mother of two daughters. Rice & Beans Bridge-House spaceholder. Rage Club Spaceholder x Archan Motherhood researcher, she holds space for Raging Mothers with Marina Mello. Emotional Healing Process spaceholder.
Patricia Anzini
Based in Lison, Portugal. Patricia deliver thoughtware upgrades direclty in Universities. Spaceholder for Conscious Feelings navigation and weekly Completing Incomplete Emotions. Patricia is a Village Weaver.
Alice Belz
Mallorca-based. Born in Germany, speaks Spanish, German and English.
Rage Club Spaceholder. Emotional Healing Process spaceholder.
Alexandra Lopes
Lives in Lisbon, Portugal. Possibility Coach, Biodanza SRT facilitator, candle maker. Alexandra delivers thoughtware upgrades to academic in universities in Lisbon.
Amy Jansen
Amy lives in Amsterdam, Netherlands. She is an unstoppable spaceholder for Women's work through Rage Club and Emotional Healing Processes. If you visit Amy, she will take you to deliver the menu with her at one of Amsterdam's park.
Women of Earth located in New Zealand
Kia ora - The healers, doulas, spaceholders, mothers, witches, initiators, archan permaculturists of downunder greet you.
They are ready to connect with you!
Ana Norambuena
Main spaceholder for Possibility Management New Zealand and the Women of Earth in New Zealand.
Maria-Rita Correia
Based in Tui Community, Takaka, New Zealand. Co-spaceholder on Ontree - Archiarchy Invention Center. Rage Club Spaceholder. Emotional Healing Process (EHP) Spaceholder and EHP Spaceholder Trainer. Lives with her partner, Jacopo with whom she delivers her non-women only work, and her son, Bowie.
Ewa Szczepaniak
Based in New Zealand. Spaceholder for Bridge-Houses, Rage Clubs and Fear Clubs, co-Creatoress of Ontree Archiarchal Invention Center, researcher of Archan Motherhood, Possibility Coach. Speaks English and Polish.
Millicent Haughney
Based in New Zealand. Millicent is a Writing Witch. Author of the Thrival Guide. She empowers Women and Men to be the writers that they are through her Left To Write. Basic Inner Navigation Skill & Emotional Healing Process spaceholder.
Sybille Biedert
Based in Tui Community - New Zealand. Originator and co-spaceholder for the Feeling in Movement gameworld: Embodied Freedom. Rage Club Spaceholder. Supporter of young women and men to find what they real are, through Tracks and Tides - Rites of Passage, and Tudlum.
Nomadic Women of Earth
Meet the nomadic Women of Earth who follow the impulses of ECCO - the Earth Coincidence Control Office - to deliver their work and create the critical connections between communities of practice to create a meshwork of upgraded thoughtware that encompasses the whole globe.
Vera Franco
Lived in Findhorn Ecovillage, before going nomad. More commonly found in the United States, Brazil, Scotland and Portugal, Vera delivers Expand The Box Training, Possibility Labs and Women of Earth Lab. Intimacy navigator. Public speaker. She trains Possibilitators to find their specialty.
Anne-Chloé Destremau
The work has called Anne-Chloé in Mexico, Brazil, New Zealand, Portugal, Poland, Germany, the UK and Spain. Delivering Expand The Box Training, Possibility Lab, Specialty Labs is her core work; in addition to hold space for Possibility Management global and the emergence of Archiarchy.
Gabriela Fagundes
It only took a few months for Gabriela to quite University and get on with her real Path and life. Now she liberates other young people from the prison of school. Rage Club and Fear Club spaceholder. Emotional Healing Process spaceholder. Ontree AIC member. Find her between Brazil, Europe and New Zealand.
Women of Earth located in Brazil
Brazil is a fertile land for the Women of Earth to wake up in the face of Patriarchal destruction of the Amazon forect, of indigenious cultures. Brazil is the country where the most cesarian births are done and when at 16 years old, young women are offered the choice of breast implants or a week-long vacation. Most young women choose breast implants.
Danielle Barros
Based between São Paulo and Florianopolis. Spaceholder for Possibility Management Brazil, and for the Matrix Building Team in Brazil. Originator of Mulheres de Fogo (Women on Fire - Women's Rage Club) in Brazil. Fear Club Spaceholder and Emotional Healing Process spaceholder. Speaks Portuguese, some French and English.
Isabel Esterl
Based in Florianopolis. Isabel is pionnering building a resilient Inner Structure research to stabilise into the Adult Egostate. She is also a Rage Club Spaceholder, a Fear Club Spaceholder, an Emotional Healing Process spaceholder. She direct most of her work and attention to liberate women from the claws of Patriarchy. Speaks German, Portuguese and English.
Women of Earth located in North America
The United States of America and Canada are in worse shape than they are willing to publicly admit.
Americans live in and spread a fantasy world that is driving the viability of Planet Earth
for sentient beings to its limits and beyond.
The Women of North America have worked to do, and they are doing it.
Meredith Witt
Based in San Fransisco. Meredith is a research of Love and Intimacy. Spaceholder for the Magic Cow Bridge-House, she is now building the field for Gaia Town in Western US. Emotional Healing Process spaceholder. Rage Club Spaceholder with her partner Daway Chou-Ren.
Hannah Hirsh
Based in New York. Hannah is upgrading throughtware in her lived-in community in Brooklyn. 3-3-3 Initiation, Rage Club and Emotional Healing Process spaceholder. Organizer of the first Expand The Box in New York. Hannah is a mother with an unstoppable hunger for Evolution.
Laura McGuirk
Based in Nelson, Canada (BC), Laura is a fierce Rage Club Spaceholder for Women. Spaceholder for Emotional Healing Processes. In the evening, she often delivers the menu in front of the witch shop she works at.
Women of Earth located in Central & South America
Women of Earth in Central and South America, outside of Brazil.
Most of them are nomadic in these parts of the world, building circles and planting seeds.
Jacqueline O'Neill
Nomadic between New York, Brazil and Guatemala. Jacqueline is a spaceholder for the Heart Gym, plus Conscious Feelings workshops, Rage Club and Emotional Healing Processes. Her current research is about exiting the Swamp, Pressure and Fantasy World through access to Conscious Feelings.