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Tour in England, 15 to 18th November
Day 1
Sareeta and I last night arriving after my journey from Crete.
Today, we dove straight together into the question of: what is the program that you received as a woman, as a mother, as a wife/partner? Sareeta wrote down hers, and found layers of patriarchal thoughtware. One especially was: what is the code that you have between you and your siblings that makes you siblings/a family? How is that blocking you from being yourself? If you are the eldest is might different than from being the youngest.
As the eldest, the unconscious code was for me that I was the one my siblings, my sisters would look up to, I was making the path, and I had to do it perfectly, so that they would have a path to follow. When I started a path that they could not or would not follow, when I started no longer being perfect, our code broke, and so did our sisterly ordinary relationship. It is something that I had to grieve.
At that time, I decidedly chose that Becoming Myself was more important than Keeping Ordinary Connection alive, even family ones.
I discovered that for many of us, women, have a need for belonging that takes so much space that it overshadows the fire of Becoming. For example, Becoming a space through which my Nonmaterial Value can do its work in the world.
I also discovered that when I Become that space, I Belong naturally and undenyingly to the world, to Gaia, to the communities who need my value, and the ones who I need theirs.
The second part of the research is: what is the context of an Archan Woman who is also caring for young women or men that have their own Path, Archetypal Lineage and Bright Principles? What experiments can be done in the "family" or "community" context when Women change their point of origin from being a Mother to being a Woman who care about young women and men?
Would you share with us what you find with these questions in you?
Tonight is the first Women of Earth Circle of the tour, and all Women are "mothers", Women in care of younger humans. It is incredible that 5 Women who are organizing the Tour, 4 of them are "mothers". The fire for something different for future generations is there!
Anne-Chloé (& @Sareeta_Pattni)Day 2
Last night, Sareeta and I - Anne-Chloé - held space for 6 of us Women in an intimate Women of Earth worktalk. The night opened up the question and experiment of: where am I giving my dignity and self-respect away by behaving in ways that I do not want to?
The circle was mostly mothers - I was the only one in this life to not have given birth. And the conversation quickly revealed that these mothers spend their time cleaning, cooking, and making sure that their house and children are in order. So I asked the question: where does this idea that your house need to be clean come from? Mostly it came from their own mothers, who probably gave away their time and life away to the idea of "showing that they have it together".
So, that's it: we went straight into Standing Rage Holds, making boundaries with mothers and mother-in-law. These Women took back their house, their time back from proving themselves to their own mothers. They said: "I want a messy life!" We were cheering!
Question for the day: where does your time go? How much of your time goes into fulfilling someone else's values, necessity, neuroticism and judgment? How much of your time goes into being afraid of... (fill in the blank)?
A hint is that if you are not doing what you want, you are doing something that you think someone else wants from you. Mothers in modern culture are trained for this. The old program says: your life is not yours anymore. Maybe all your time goes into 1) worrying about what other people want, and 2) trying to guess what other people want, and then 3) trying to give people what you think they want that they did not ask for. In reality, this is so disrespectful of other's ability to take care of themselves and ask and negotiate for what they want. Even, I would say especially, for children past 6 or 7 years.
You might as a mother or even a villager want your children or people around to be safe. One unconscious way to do this is to be in complete control of their world (and therefore yours) which ultimately makes their world and yours so small. Because, truly, how big is the world that you can control?
An Archan perspective is: safety comes from the ability to have access to inner and outer resources to choose, ask, declare, negotiate, make boundaries, say what you want, change your mind, invent impossible things. Safety comes from having authority and agency, not from control.
Then the question becomes: how do I create an environment where my children or other people can source their own authority and learn the skills to be the source of their life?
Sareeta and I, and maybe with parents and educators today, are coming up with a series of experiments to try. Most of them are about going on Adventures and Having High Level Fun with these little and big people! We will share them with you.
As you might know, when Women come together, much is coming up and invented!
More later!
Anne-ChloéDay 3
Yesterday was "Little People, Big Feelings". The offer from Sareeta and I is a complete shift of context of parenting. Before going somewhere, else, you first need to know where you are.
The first practice is: What is your old program? What is that tape that got switch on when you got married, or became pregnant or gave birth? What automatic thoughtware got triggered? And, what is the cause, what is the cornerstone of that old program?
After about 7' of writing, parents shared.
Four women were crying, realizing that their program tell them: "Being a mother is to sacrifice myself for my children and my partner." They admitted how much they compromise themselves to make everyone else happy, and how much their heart is longing for something completely different. They do not how to make it.
Two fathers shared the deep fear that is running their programs: "I am so afraid of being responsible for my actions, and the consequences of my actions. I have to be perfect, and in control."
This reflects a profound lack of initiation into adulthood, and a terror of responsibility, which is then pass down to the next generation through all sorts of survival strategies. Most parents in the room are home schooler, or no-schooler. But, what they have become is entertainment for their children. They become the source of life for their children. Their children have not learn to become the source of their own life.
2h30 is barely enough time to scratch the surface of what else is possible!
I said: "WHAT IS POSSIBLE IS ADVENTURE!" None of these parents were having any Fun being parents!
What a terribly sad story that 20 years of the lives of these brilliant genius is dedicated to not having Fun!
When I think of what I would have wanted my mother to be like in my childhood, I think: a woman ecstatic with her own life that she shares with us. An alive woman! A woman who has a life that is her own! A woman who is on an adventure!
Parents got to distill Adventurous experiment for themselves and each other.
One experiment is to become people from a completely different culture for 1 month: new clothes, only eat what they eat, only use implement that they use, sleep like them. One month can be: Hill Tribes from Thailand, Native Americans, Amazonians, Inuit, ... The children will remember this for the rest of their lives.
One mother said: My experiment is to not clear my house for 1 month!
Another woman flush down the toilet trying to be "a good mother".
Here are some hints I gave to these new Adventurers!
1. Let all the other things beyond Adventure fall where they may. Logistics will take care of themselves.
2. Make it up as you go! Flush down the toilet your standard of parenting, and make it up new each time. No one knows how it goes, and what a relief that is.
3. When you drop your own neuroticism, your children can drop their. There is a lot less space for neuroticism when Experimenting and Adventuring!
* Question for the day: What Adventure are you on today?
* Process: find a spaceholder, and relocate your point-of-origin from your old program to a Life of Adventure! It takes about 20-25 minutes, you need your 4 Feelings to find your old program, describe it while feeling, then pull out your point of origin (it looks like a huge carrot put in the ground) with pure conscious Anger (clarity and decisiveness) and plant it into your new chosen context and culture.
Anne-Chloé & SareetaDay 4
London is complete! Sareeta and I held space for 4 events: 2 Women of Earth Circle, 1 Parent & Educators workshop, 1 Rage Club.
Yesterday was Rage Club! Rage Club is Fun! Rage Club in person is even more Fun! I don't get the opportunity to deliver Rage Club in person often.
Yesterday, we had 16 people around the circle, 5 Rage Club Spaceholders (2 women & 3 men), 3 other people had already experience Rage Club online with @Sareeta_Pattni, and the rest newbies also to Possibility Management.
In England, one of the keys to crack through the British Boxes is humour and excitement. It is such unknown territory!
One of the legends I take is one man who was in 2 spaces I had held 1 years ago in London came back. He could not feel much more than 1 year ago, his wife and friends were in the room. He said: I have a block to feelings. I did not roll the space into the next practice and instead took him straight into a Block Removal process with Sareeta at my side and the whole Team holding space.
In less than 15 minutes, he had found the block, talk to it, thanked it, and it was ready to come out. He was coughing and coughing and coughing until the roar came out, and he would not stop and everyone was cheering for him! Finally he could feel angry, and then tears finally rolled out on his cheeks, and then laughter and smiles. Since he was 6 years ago, he lived cut off from the outside world and his inside world. A new life begins for him!!
Inspired by Eva Daubert, we did a 'I don't want' and then 'I want' mini Dojo! The Women were on fire, grabbing red towels in their hands, shouting I WANT THIS! I could not hear them as I was in the process too.
I said more.
We wrapped up with a Practice in lowering our numbness bar and noticing the little irritations and annoyance and frustrations are true messages from our anger: whether it is emotional or a feeling. People wrote them down and then distill: is it a feeling or an emotion? What can I do with this anger? We created possibility of Healing and new actions using these seemingly "little" angers to actually make big changes in our lives.
* Practice for the day: WHAT DO YOU WANT? Start 90% of your sentence with 'I want...', be generous with telling people what you want, and they create what you want right there and then. That is a bridge to next culture!
I feel glad at the end of these four day in the arms and circle of Village Magnet @Sareeta_Pattni. A really seed crystal is take place in London, and in the UK, Bristol being another hot spot for Archiarchy to flourish and emerge.
@Sareeta_Pattni: would you share your own experience as a Village Magnet, as an Organizer, as an Apprentice, as a Mother and Lover of this experience?
Today: direction Netherlands with Christina, Amy Jansen, and Sanne for 4 evenings of High Level Fun Transformation and Village Weaving!
With much much Love for your the Village having my back and cheering me the whole way! It makes it 100% more Fun!
Anne-ChloéLittle story: Sareeta's husband was the photographer. He actually does take photos as a hobby. Yesterday, he was so liquid that he forgot to focus the camera before taking the picture. So here we are in a physical, emotional and photographical Liquid State!
Writing from Sareeta:
For the last four days my life has been filled with aliveness and adventure; WorkTalks, a village outing to an Indian restaurant, two Women of Earth Circles, Rage Club and lots of hot chocolate. While my children were baking bread, mushroom hunting, playing the piano, making fires with old and new friends. This weekend I got a glimpse of what is possible. I realised when I love my life, my children do too. The more fun I have, the more fun my children will have too. It sounds so simple and yet I have been unconsciously trying hard to keep them safe, which has been creating the opposite of what I want. When I shift into creating a life for myself that is authentic my children can sense it, this gives them space to create a life for themselves.
I am realising that what I care about and want is too important to compromise, even if that means people would leave the projects I am creating. Part of allowing this shift has been redefining what value means to me. Rather than counting how many people are in the space with me, I am more interested in who the people are; what do they care about and want to create. Part of this process is taking back my expectations and energetically letting people go, which is scary and at the same creating space for new people to find me and join my circle.
I had a lot of fear about holding space with Anne-Chloe, especially when I thought I had to prove myself because it brought up wounds from my old teaching job and having spontaneous observations. Sitting next to Anne-Chloe in a circle I got an entirely new map of apprenticing. She was there empowering me with prompts so I could express myself with clarity. Putting pressure on myself to speak kept me frozen while following my impulses was much lighter and allowed the words to flow with more ease.
I love doing this work and want to do more of it! Thank you @annechloedestremau for being such a bright and loving spark for the UK Village.
SareetaTour in Netherland, 19-22 November
Day 6
The Tour is now in Wageningen, the Netherlands! Four Women who participated in a WoE Lab are here organizaing the events and weaving the Village: Christina, Amy Jansen and Sanne Bongers.
Last night 10 Women join the Women of Earth worktalk. Mostly unknown women to Christina (who organized this one), they had seen the flyer on other Women's group, at the University and at the bakery.
Hint #1: put your flyers out there! You do not know who will see it and will come.
Some women did not even register, they had the address so they just showed up.
Hint #2: put the address of the event on the flyer!
Most women arrived early and when each checked-in, they said: I want to become a coach, I am supporting organization that promote equality between women and men, I am a doula and I hold writing classes for Women, I am training to deliver the 'Work that reconnects' also to Extinction Rebellion. What a Team!
My heart immediately lifted: these women want something!
After a 5 minutes short context setting about Archiarchy, two women immediately said: "Thank you! Thank you for saying that another culture is possible. This is so inspiring. I have been looking for another culture for a long time." Pfiou, I was honestly blown away that already these women wanted us - the Women of Earth - to succeed.
The purpose here (as in the other countries of the Tour) is to create the seed of a Village of Archiarchy: Women, people researching how can next culture emerge HERE where I am with the people who show up, practicing it and building the bridge so other people can walk it. How does that look like? It looks like how and what people need. Is it a physical village so mothers can rotate in childcare to make time for their projects and dreams? Is it a Archiarchy Invention Center where people can come to ETB/Lab and other initiations to grow into adulthood? Is it a temporary Women of Earth Bridge-House to heal and transform into empower, connected, team building Women?
It could start by simply organizing twice a week, a 'Holding' party for healing the crack that you might have if you have not been held in your childhood.
It took us barely 20 minutes of sharing our Fear of Connection with people, then with the woman across from us, then our longing in connection, for the RAGE to come out.
I am so amazed at how women are truly angry, and how close to the surface it really is.
Again, spontaneously, 4 Women, most of them having never felt conscious anger before went straight into Making Boundaries (in chairs with towel - the room was too small for Standing Rage, so we improvised).
One woman was incredible: she started by not being able to make any sound at all. With encouragement from the Team, she let out this huge sound, but it was a scream of fear, 65% intense pure fear striking through her body. We cheered, and then give the distinction between Fear and Anger. Next round, she let a huge roar sound, around 55% intense pure Anger. Not mixed. She could make a boundary with a friend who bullied her in high school. So simple, and clean.
Sanne shared that she was impressed to see how much our bodies know. They know where to go to find the Fear, to find the Rage, to find the Grief, and to express it when there is a safe space to do so.
The space was jumping with possibilities, surprises. The women who said they came scared and closed, and with the purpose to consume the space became full Sourceresses, creating the space with their Aliveness.
Women would not leave, we chatted for another 45 minutes, while putting back the space in better than its original form. Three of them are joining Rage Club tonight!
I want to make a special shoutout to Iris Savonije, a Possibilitator who I met at the beginning of my Path in 2019 in New Zealand who surprised me (and us) by coming last night. She is now delivering Emotional Healing Processes in Utrecht (next to Amsterdam). I could not stop hugging her!* Question / Practice for the day: About Fear. Lower your numbness bar to your fear. Notice what you are afraid of doing today, especially the smallest things - such as putting a flyer at the bakery, making eye contact with another woman, appreciating the waitress for her spaceholding in more than 1 word, but also, fear of simply laying down on the floor and closing your eyes for 5 minutes, or asking someone to hold your hand or hug you. These fears are your 1 next step. Then do it!
The invitation is to let your fear be on the front stage for today (and maybe the next days).
Hint #1: you might need to MINIMIZE your NOW. If you NOW is too big, you can only notice emotional fears and not the feeling of fear.
Hint #2: you might notice how much support there is from the Universe, when you let the Universe support your through accessing your inner resources such as fear.
Over and out for now!
Anne-ChloéDay 7
Report of day 6 and sharing of cycling in Amsterdam in the snow!
There is as much happening in the worktalk/rage club space then outside when four Women of Earth live together, and step out of ordinary / neurotic / superficial bantering.
Some questions and possibilities that boiled up in our collaboration of 4:
QUESTION: How do I hold space when I am collapsing? What do I do next on my path of spaceholding when I am burning the outer layer of knowing everything?
ANSWER: You are more real of a spaceholder when you are collapsing. The other thing maybe 'look good' but people are not getting the real thing. They are not getting the context, the weaving, the breakdown and the love that happens in Archiarchy on the Path. They do not get Reality. People are hungry for Reality.
Hold space while breaking down, burning down, burning through, because that's when you can learn to fall enough to learn to fly. What you do next is: what you want to research with others. If you want to research connecting in collapse then that's what you hold space for, and ask whoever wants to do that with you. That's the best kind of Possibility Team that exists. If you want to learn how to feel, hold space for a 3-3-3 (join the 3-3-3 crossroad for empowerment and team: https://t.me/+axbCBiXWpKY9Z6nt). If you want to learn to keep your center, create a Centering Practice Team. And so on... For the rest of your life you can create the Team around what YOU want to learn and practice.
QUESTION: how do I exit money scarcity and flow resources?
ANSWER: how are you not being generous with the world around you? The world cannot be generous with you if you are not generous with the world. For example, you might want the world to be fair to you, or even unfair in your benefit. You might want that people reach out to you more than you reach out to them. That would be an unmet childhood need that asking for healing and transformation (see Gremlin Transformation Chapter 0 for such initiation). Practice be generous (for now, exclude money in your practice of generosity). For example, practice collaborative communication. That is being generous. When you grab the door from someone who is holding it for you, say: "I have the door." so the person is complete to let go of the door. When you say you will do something, after you have done it, report back to the person: "I have done it."
It is so simple, and at the same time so magical to be in an ongoing flow of communication about what you are doing, what you are feeling, what you have completed, what you are committing to, what you want, what you want to negotiate. The quality of closeness from Collaborative Communication is endless.
QUESTION: How do I find out who I am so I can let go being a mother? I am waiting to have an answer before I do my Mother Graduation.ANSWER: You cannot find out. Your question comes from a HUGE NOW. You want to know what you will for the rest of your life, just like you might have thought that becoming a mother would answer that question for the rest of your life. And now you are discovering that being ONE thing for a Woman is the best way to die little by little.
You are EVERYTHING! You can really only have a sense of what you are NOW, and what experiment you want to do next.
PERSON 1: I want to go walk in the Sahara Desert for 40 days alone.
PERSON 2: Then, what you are next in a Desert Walker! What comes after that will be clear after you have gone walking in the desert, you will not know before.
I am highly suspicious that your Wanting Tubes (the tubes through which the messages of "I want" come through) are completely clogged with all your previous want that you did not listen to and complete. Why do you think your inner resources will give you more want if you don't use them in the first place? It sounds like an crazy way to relate to your inner resources!In addition, last night in the Rage Club we practice: making mean faces (not so easy when faces have learned to be dead), standing rage, stick work (YES! we were in a Martial Art Dojo and they had all the gear needed for stick work!), one holding, dissolving and is-gluing a new story about yourself, push shoulder: what you are angry about is what you care about » what do you want? » get 1 or 2 experiments of how to create more of what you want in your life. In 2h30!!People chatted for more than 1 hour after the space ended!
Plus I share with you one of my many experiments: bicycling in the snow in Amsterdam on a bike without hand breaks (I had to pedal backwards to stop the bike). It is an extraordinary experience that under snow, and chilly wind, Dutch people cycle everywhere all the time. There are so few cars in the center of Amsterdam. You can actually make eye contact with people, smile at them at the stop light, laugh about the smell of cinnamon floating in the air.
The simple fact that a whole culture is bicycling already creates whole new form of intimacy.
Tonight, Sanne, Amy, Christina, and I are in Amsterdam getting ready for a second Women of Earth Circle in the Netherlands with 9 Women or more if some decide to show up impromptu.
Anne-Chloé & Women of Earth Team!Day 8 and 9
After a whole day workshop: Clarity Leads to Closeness, I share with you a few picture of the Women of Earth Circle last night and the maps of today. More to come tomorrow as The Netherlands chapter is coming to a close, and I am about to leap to Italia with @Marina_F_Mello!
Yesterday was the only day workshop that I will deliver on this Women of Earth Tour.Hint to myself (and others being inspired to source of Tour): have more day-long workshops. So much happen when we have time past the first break-in-certainty (the first liquid state).
Some extraordinary things that burst the ordinary field in the last two days:
» Sanne Bongers started becoming the mouthpiece of her Archetypal Lineage and Bright Principles through two practices: What is your Non-Urgent but Important thing that you want to become/create? Give it space to speak through you. Sanne started letting the energetic imprint of Ontree: the Archiarchy Invention Center that she is holding space for speak. Then, in the "What Do You Want?" Practice, I gave her the experiment that when she says "I want", she is speaking for Ontree because she IS Ontree. "I want..." means "Ontree wants...".
Becoming your Stand is an experiment in being annihilated in Love. An Archetypal Stand is made out of Love. If you become it, you become Love. All your "human" problems will seem so ridiculous and simple in the face of the experience of becoming LOVE in the service for the world. What else could be more exciting?
Practice for your next 3Cell or Possibility Team meeting: Become your Stand / your Project / your Village, and let it speak through you by saying: "I want...", "It goes like this...".
» Amy and the whole Team of Clarity Leads to Closeness practiced noticing what they 5 bodies: Intellectual, Physical, Emotional, Energetic, and Archetypal want, and where they are under nourished or down right starving. How many of us starve our bodies so as to live in a constant state of victimhood and scarcity and not having enough energy and capacity to source intimacy with partners, colleagues and friends? If you are not feeding yourself generously in your 5 bodies, you are most probably expecting your partner to feed them for you. See the above Map of Revenge about the purpose and consequences of making expectations in relationship. Maybe you even carry the thoughtware that that is "a relationship": rescuing each other's scarcity.
Amy, would you write down the 5-6 experiments I gave you to feed your Archetypal Body here?
Possibility of practice for your next Women's Team: how can you feed your 5 bodies? what do you 5 body want? And then feed them right then just as you say it. Do not wait for the future to feed your 5 bodies.
» Again, yesterday, we noticed how much women in modern culture are trained to be scared, emotionally scared just about all the time: worry, self-doubt, uncertainty, criticism, not knowing, fear of being judged, hurt, violated, or being wrong and exiled. How can you build completely new groove that those deep crevasses of emotional fear? Some practices that have proven to be very powerful are:
1. Stay centered: so much fear comes from giving your center away to 'men', 'authority figure', to the future, and mostly to what other people think of you. Practice 100 times of day to notice the sensation of being uncentered, and EVERY TIME without judgment, center yourself again. There is no other way to build the muscle of becoming someone who is centered.
2. Become fucking arrogant! Arrogant about what you are, what you want, what you notice and what you feel. It does not mean that you do not have emotion or that you smear your emotions on everyone else. When you recognize an emotion, you arrogantly recognize your next step in Evolution. Instead of beating yourself up, say: "Who will hold space for me?". Be arrogant about what you are angry about, and about what you want to change, and change it right there and then, do not wait. Ask for possibilities, ask dangerous question, be an asshole about what matters. In my opinion, we do no longer have time to be nice.Hang out around Arrogant Women, ask them to coach you to be more arrogant, louder, more of a problem.
3. Make Boundaries with people who terrorized you into submission. It take 15-20 minutes, and you get a whole new life. Contact @bethmcnamara, @gabrielafagundess, @SophiaWegele for such a session. Then start a De-Terrorize Yourself Dojo! Who will do it?
Damn right, I am an angry Woman! And people laugh out loud around me!
Una donna piena d'amore,
Anne-ChloéIt has been more than 1 week on the road: 2 countries, 4 spaceholders, 8 events! Today, in the limbo zone between the warmth of Amy and Sanne and the arms of @Marina_F_Mello, I write and reflect at the airport.
Today, I became the (Pirate) Arrogant Auntie of the Ontree Archiarchy Invention Center.
Have you heard of Ontree?
It is the first Archiarchy Invention Center that is permanently land-based contexted in Possibility Management. It is the next step after temporary Bridge-House. It is taking root in Golden Bay.
The spaceholders are WOMEN OF EARTH: @mariaritacorreia, Sanne, Ewa Szczepaniak, @AnainNZ, Patricia, Renée & the men unfolding in that context too: Jacopo Lombardo & Wojciech Zawadzki.
What is an Archiarchy Invention Center? Good question! Read more here: https://archiarchyinventioncenters.mystrikingly.com/The Ontree team is forging the path of the next land-based Archiarchy Invention Centers to pop up all over the globe.
Are you dreaming of an Archiarchy Invention Center?
Are you already planting the seed of an AIC?
Talk to them! They have been on a 2 year journey to deepen the context, expand into Beings who could be the Stand for the Stand that they are.
You can follow their News and Legends here: https://t.me/+X8PMX4bFRhg1YzAxThey are coming out into the Global Ethnosphere, stepping out of their shyness of keeping their huge treasure only for New Zealand.
They are on your Team to build AIC, you can be on their Team to make themselves visible and make this extraordinary possibility available to villages, communities, edgeworkers, and people wanting to move forward towards Next Culture - Archiarchy.
Their time-sensitive next step is to gather 200,000 Euros to ground the AIC on a land in Golden Bay.
If you have possibilities in terms of people, funds, collaboration or creation that can empower them to raise the funds, again please reach out to them! They are ready to Creatively Collaborate with you!
Ontree website: https://www.ontreecentre.org/Tour in Italy, Bologna, 23-27 November
Day 11
How do you handle Conflict in your culture?
That's the first question I asked to the Italian in the Conflict Alchemy workshop yesterday in Bergamo.
Their first answer: We are not Italian, we are Bergamasche! This gave me a first idea!
Never had they considered this question. It is easy to detect a child-centered responsibility culture. The participants of such culture are not aware of the value that their culture serve. Somebody else decided values a long time ago and they have not been inspected or evolved for centuries, or millenium. Most people on the planet uses very old thoughtware (what you think with). Most people do not know that they are using very old thoughtware.
What is even less known in edgeworkers' teams, projects, communities is the power that culture have over what you can express, experience, feel, think, say, notice, perceive, declare, ask and choose. Many people think it has to do with their own unhealed wounds. And, yes it does, but place somebody in an environment where their Heart, their Being, their Archetypal Lineage is called forth and celebrated, the healing becomes a by-product of Living Full Out and not obstacles to "get there".
You might have had the experience of being held in a high-level of responsibility culture and who you were in that space surprised you. You could do, say and feel things you never could before. But when you went back to your ordinary culture contexted "home", that person disappear. This experience can be very painful, when you know what is possible but you cannot source it yet.
One of the core work of Possibility Management is to provide transformational environment for people to build matrix so that they can become the source of the culture in which they can show up to the maximum of their potential.
Conflict... An integral part of being human with other humans. Without a clear context (not method!) to handle conflict, you setting yourself up for much Gremlin feeding frenzy.
In my Archan culture, we celebrate conflict! Conflict means someone is feeling something, that means someone cares, they are alive! If they have come from a culture of half-dead avoidant zombies, admitting: "I am feeling something about someone else" is a fantastic news!
Conflict is a stepping stones towards evolution. It means the set up of your life or relationship as it is does not work anymore. The question is then: what would work better?
In Archiarchy, conflict is held in 3 Phase Healing: phase 1 "everything seems ok" » phase 2 "there is a dis-ease" what was before does not longer work » phase 3 "who do I need to become to integrate my growing parts?. The step between phase 2 and phase 3 is the liquid state of transformation.
What is needed now more than ever are spaceholders for Transformation, Evolution and Initiation as more and more people are finally admitting they are in Phase 2 and not wanting to go back to Phase 1 but not knowing about Phase 3 or how to navigate there.
You might be a 3 Phase Healer! You could say that next time someone else ask: "what you do?". It would be the start of an interesting conversation.
Practice / Experiment: who would write a 2 to 3-page article about how you handle conflict in your Archan culture?What I loved about the Italian women and men that I met yesterday was their innocence. The cultural evolution has not hit Italy yet. The Evolution movement has barely started here. At the end, after one person did a Standing Rage Hold, it cracked the eggshell of every women in the room. I could finally admit: "A Standing Rage Hold is an Authentic Adulthood Initiatory Process. This is what we do in Possibility Management, we initiate ourselves into Adulthood." It was a shock for most of them that they never heard of this before. 30 minutes after the space ended, the women were still asking Marina: "What is the next space? How do we keep going?"
PS. They were so liquid that they could not imagine taking a group pictures, so you get photos of Marina and I sisterly enjoying each other's company.Also, @Marina_F_Mello said: "Anne-Chloé, you have to share the magic that happens of you being carried from one country to another." I will then tell you.
From London to Amsterdam, @Sareeta_Pattni dropped me at the airport, I slip through security and smoothly without waiting jump into the plane - 45 minutes later I am landed in Amsterdam. Christina tells me there are strikes on the public transport and that it might take more than 2 hours to get to her place. I come out of the plane, the first train is waiting for me (not on time), I go to change train: 1 minute later my second train arrives. I arrive in Christina's arms 1 hour earlier than planned.
On my way from Amsterdam to Bologna, I fly Ryanair. The pilot announces: We have a nice tail wind, we might arrive earlier than planned. We land 20 minutes early, I go through border and customs and come out before the official arrival time of my plane. Marina cannot believe it. I say to her: "Those lucky people traveling with a Woman of Earth on Tour!"
She picks me up and we drive to her home, we are looking for a parking place. Marina says: "There are never any parking place here at night, we might need to go further." As she says that, a free parking place shows up 30 meter from her house.
The next day we go into a busy avenue of Bologna for a women space, we look for a parking place, and the one available one is right in front of the house where we are meeting!
Gaia is with us! I think she wants us to win!
Winning is Happening! Love is Happening!Day 13
Yesterday, we had our second Conflict Alchemy, this time in Bologna. One father, a step-mother, a step-grand-mother of possibilitators came to the space!
And... today I want to share about consideration I had with the organizers and co-spaceholders of the Tour. I often introduce myself as a Spaceholder Trainer to the worktalks and workshop I hold to make visible the experiment, collaboration and culture of replacing oneself from the very start.
Here are the experiments and negotiations I have had with The Women of Earth Tour Organizers:
1. One, the Women would put their name right next to mine on all flyers and events. This energetic gesture makes them as responsible for the space as I am. We may have different capacity to hold space, but the simple fact to declare oneself a spaceholder is a powerful declaration to the Universe saying "I am preparing myself to deliver my Archetypal Lineage to the world." It is very different to be a participant in a Rage Club, then to be an Apprentice in a Rage Club, to be a co-spaceholder in a Rage Club, to be a solo Spaceholder. Each step is necessary matrix building. It put you at risk of the space working with you before, during and after the worktalk itself. You are making yourself available and sensitive to the field of the work. You allow the field of consciousness evolution to work on you.
2. Transformation is partly Show Business: start with a bang and leave them laughing! People want to be entertained. And Transformation is one of the most entertaining game on earth these days especially after you have completed all external entertainment, the last territory is yourself and your connection with other humans and resources.
Often, new spaceholders tend to be on the stiff or serious side because we want to do a good job, and it is scary as hell, and there is so much to pay attention, notice, handle, create and deliver. It is hard to be relax. The stiffness is tough for participants because it freezes the space, and blocks the freedom to try things even when it is why we are gathered together. Learning to relax into your inner and outer resources so you can joke around, be bold, be theatrical, make unreasonable request with lightness and possibility, be outrageous can be practiced. These days, I do pushups in the Parenting Workshop, I pretend to die from a bleeding heart when someone attacks me, I speak with an Italian accent, I insist on Mother Graduation with Italian mothers,... As a spaceholder, you have a shtick: a flavor of humour that melts Boxes as much as Clarity and Distinctions. This is a fantastic skill to practice in Possibilitator Training and Matrix Building Spaceholder Team. Ask @VeraLuisaFranco about who is holding space for these, these days.
3. When you are an Apprentice or a co-spaceholder with someone who is more experienced (has more matrix) than you, practice jacking into the space that they are jacked-into. You can notice when 2 or more spaceholders are jacked-into the same space, they finish each other's sentence, their speak flows naturally from one person to the next, they stand up at same time, they empower each other's distinction and context. It is because "they" are personally not speaking, they are let the space speak through them.
One way to practice is to translate a full space with a more experienced spaceholder. To translate you jack into the same space, it comes out in one language through the main spaceholder, and it comes out in the other language through you. Letting this much energy and information come through you in an express way to build quality Archetypal matrix.4. Learn to hold pre-worktalk/workshop spaces. The space when participants arrive but the space has not started yet. As the spaceholder, you are also the host, it is your job to have an "ordinary" non-ordinary bridge conversation between their ordinary life and the transformational space. It may be one of the most difficult space to learn to hold: you cannot start landing distinctions, you cannot make it about your fears of spaceholding. The job is to improvise, get to know people in an non-ordinary way, letting the unknown speak to source aliveness in the space without freaking people out. You cannot plan in advance what you will say in that spaces, and that is what makes them to most exciting and dangerous. Basically, in those spaces you are demonstrating that what you will deliver in the worktalk actually works, that you can become a more courageous, healthy, brave, vulnerable, kind human being. That's when, as the expression says, 'you show your mettle', you show what you are and what you have become through this path.
5. Get to know your Gremlin as a source of your Playful, Empowered, and Nonlinear spaceholding. Your Gremlin can do the things your Box cannot do. Your Box cannot hold space for Transformation. Your Being needs to Gremlin to say, do, try things that your Box would never allow. Your Gremlin is the one that will be at your side to be a Conscious Asshole. Your Gremlin is also the one that can match and meet other Gremlin in the room without crashing them, but tell them: "I see you! You don't get to steal this show, this is my space." This is, I think what Gremlin Transformation Chapter 2 is for. Ask @AnainNZ and @VeraLuisaFranco for this possibility.
6. A life-saving experiment that I got from @VeraLuisaFranco: Do not think, analyse or try to evaluate a space you just held for a whole of 24 hours. Let things settle. When you close the space as a spaceholder, so many things are happening: people who you were holding space for are in liquid state, you are in liquid state, your Gremlin might come to try to destroy your burst in evolution, your good girl / boy Box might freak out about something that your Archetypal Lineage said, your Swamp might be threatening to swallow you. Any judgment, criticism, opinion about the space open the door wide to any of your survival part to destroy your evolution, but not only the ongoing evolution of the people who were in your space. Especially if you have the purpose of building pas-a-pas an Archan Village.
I am sure there is more: @Sareeta_Pattni, Amy, Christina, and @Marina_F_Mello, would you share your own experiment in spaceholding in this Tour? What you noticed, practiced and learned? And anyone else, please share your experiment in building your matrix, deepening your context and skill-up your tools as a spaceholder.
Photos below are from the Conflict Alchemy last night!
Anne-ChloéDay 14
The only online event of the Women of Earth 2024 is the monthly Women's Project Empowerment Call. Watch the recording below.
Tour in Tenerife, 28 Nov-3 Dec
Day 15
Yesterday, I arrived in Tenerife after waking up at 3am in Bologna. After tostas con aceite e tumaca and cafe con leche for breakfast, Lisa-Maria takes me straight to the University where we are to give a talk the same night. The first photos are those before we transformed the room into an Archan space. The organizer wanted me to use a microphone, so I tested it.
In Archiarchy, I do not need to use electronically amplified voice system, I simply use my Initiated voice jacked into my four Feelings, my Center, my Archetypal Lineage and Bright Principles. In the end, we clearly establish our context and did not use either the microphone or the AI-translation system.
I already loved Tenerife and the Canary Islands. I lived here for 7 months in 2019, however, without meeting the edgeworkers. Now I love Tenerife even more, because I got to meet the Tenerifians who care so much about their island. The place is full of activist, healers, researchers, refugee organization, change makers and shakers from all over the world. So many Polish people were there last night, thanks to the work of Gabriela Kowalska!
One group of activists are meeting tomorrow (Lisa-Maria and I will be there too) to agree on a plan to reduce the damage of tourism on their island. They are making the plan and implementing it without asking permission from the government. People are taking their authority back to take care of their land.
Yesterday, the worktalk was: Design a Regenerative Culture that Liberates Potential. Again, what is apparent is that edgeworkers around the world have not liberated the potential of their emotional body, energetic body or archetypal body. They have these incredible minds with ideas, projects, plans, and structures and using their physical body for farming the land, demonstrating, and 'showing up'. But their Numbness Bar is so high. They do not have access to the potential of their low and high intensity Anger, Sadness, Fear, and Joy.
Learn more about Conscious Feelings: https://consciousfeelings.mystrikingly.com/Something that touched people last night is if they cannot feel consciously their fear, their unconscious fear is the biggest tools that patriarchal & capitalist gameworld use to manipulate them. Think school manipulating you to have good grades and compete with others, insurances so you buy more of their "protection", corporations so you consume their stuff and they can make a profit, government to fear their punishment if you do not obey by the corporate reign.
Get your fear back with Fear Club: https://fearclub.mystrikingly.com/Your Very Low Intensity Fear are a immense gateway to reclaim your authority. There is a whole chapter in the Cavitation Book by @ClintonCallahan about this! Find out more about Cavitation the book here: https://cavitation.mystrikingly.com/
The other discovery is that: Next Culture - Archiarchy is a commonwealth of village republic that empower and collaborate with each other. Almost everyone in the room had a sense in their life that they were alone and lonely in their vision and their Quest. I said: "Look around, these are your people. This can be the seed of the commonwealth of village republic where you main purpose is to empower and unfold each other's potential."
How do you do that? Very good question! We are lacking so much context and distinctions about how to build a thriving village. Here are some first steps that we distill yesterday:
1. A spaceholder is needed. At least one, it can also be a Infinity Ring of 3 main spaceholders. Without a spaceholder, there is no project, no village, nothing. The spaceholder in the beginning has to play all 4 Lineages: Gameworld Builder, Village Weaver, Guardian and Evolution. Especially Evolutionary which is one of the steps.11:43
This is, in my opinion, the most needed and scarce resource for regenerative culture: empowered, feeling, self-authority, non-hierarchical village builder spaceholder. It might be time for to deliver a training to build thriving edgeworker communities online and offline!More about spaceholding at: https://holdspace.mystrikingly.com.
2. The village is evolutionary. How do you weave yourself into a village of Edgeworker? You do Emotional Healing Processes and Basic Inner Navigation Skill Practice with each other. I have not experience anything more bonding then holding space for each other in our healing and transformational process. Being with other when we grow up and unfold new parts of ourselves is one of the most vulnerable and therefore intimate experiences for human beings (who you are not having sex with). Read about the Possibility Management evolutionary healing Village: https://pmhealingvillage.mystrikingly.com/
3. A clear context. Each village has its own context. Trying to have one context for everyone is monoculture. We already know the result of monoculture. However, the power of a village is if the context is clearly held by the Guardians. Mixed context in a village is a recipe for separation, hatred, resentment, revenge. I have seen from my own eyes that mixing context is the first reason why many edgeworker project "fail" or do not thrive to their full capacity. There is so many to learn and practice in holding space for a clear context, you can start here: https://setcontext.mystrikingly.com/
Now, below you can see the photos post-transformation!Plus a couple of legends about @lmvtenerife and @AnaMariaDiazTirado!
Lisa-Maria was our translator yesterday. She did so fantastic! People told her at the end: You and Anne-Chloé were like one person, using the same tone of voice, same gestures, moving at the same time! People loved seeing us play with with other. Any time Lisa-Maria did not know a word, she would ask the participants, and they would all help her find the word. Those people were on our Team!
Ana Maria was the guardian of the space for people arriving late. She told the story of giving experiments to a woman unsure if she wanted to come in. Ana Maria gave her 3 different experiments until she accepted and walked right across the room to sit next to Lisa-Maria, to participate for the rest of the worktalk. @AnaMariaDiazTirado, you would tell the legend better than I can. Would you?
An extra legend: there were two women in the audience sitting on our left. I notice them from the beginning, they were present and enthusiastic. But it was only half-way through the worktalk that I realize what was happening: they were flowing power to Lisa-Maria and I. Totally, fully, completely being on our Team so we could play full out and create Winning Happening and Love in the space. It was magical to be on this immediate Team with women that we had never met. At the end, I went to them, and appreciated their energetic gesture. It is still so rare between women these days.
I take "Flowing Power to Women in Workshop" as one of my next experiments as a Women of Earth!A sharing live: this is where Lisa-Maria and I are! Notice all the Women stewarding this movement of public proposal for a different system economic and social on Tenerife.
Lisa-Maria and I are the emotional support while participating in the Social Wellbeing group - the biggest working group today.
Women are saying and promoting that people reclaim their authority, power and responsibility instead of pleading to the government.
They are angry and are using it to be clear about what they want.
It is wonderful.
Lisa-Maria is giving postcards away and inviting people to join the first SOMOS meeting on 12 December: building Regenerative cultures on Tenerife!DAY 16
A sharing live: this is where Lisa-Maria and I are! Notice all the Women stewarding this movement of public proposal for a different system economic and social on Tenerife.
Lisa-Maria and I are the emotional support while participating in the Social Wellbeing group - the biggest working group today.
Women are saying and promoting that people reclaim their authority, power and responsibility instead of pleading to the government.
They are angry and are using it to be clear about what they want.
It is wonderful.
Lisa-Maria is giving postcards away and inviting people to join the first SOMOS meeting on 12 December: building Regenerative cultures on Tenerife!Day 17
Dear women, dear everyone who has been following the news of the first Women of Earth Tour from close or from afar, with enthusiasm, fear, joy, rage and grief, with discovery and encouragement,
The Tour has come to an end.
It ended last night after a 2-hour Women of Earth circle at the Co-Nectar Festival in Tenerife.
The end was quite anticlimactic.
Charlotte, Lisa-Maria and Ana Maria who were holding space for the last Women Circle with me each has a space to hold or participate in right after. I was alone, and simply felt sad for Everything.
I felt sad for all the efforts that was put into sourcing these transformational journeys from each organizing women in their home. All the fears that came up for each of us about taking the Stand of graduating from Patriarchy and inventing Archiarchy. The identities that each of us shed to grow into the bigger creatures that we were becoming. The experiments way past the edge of our Boxes to create possibilities for people we do not know but love anyway. The negotiations of living with each other and becoming visible in our most intimate and secretive place: home. Our unhookability, and our willingness to grow, listen, and be with each other no matter what is happening. There was not one Low Drama in 19 days. There was emotions, Box freakout, Gremlin offers, but no Low Drama, nothing that we could not put on the table and shift.
I feel sad as I extend my Now and look back on those three last weeks.
I have been experimenting with keeping a very small Now, not thinking about more than 1 event at a time, either as a retrospective or planning.
For some reason, I have not been sleeping very well the last two weeks. My physical body is tired, even as my Archetypal Body tells me it has no limit to deliver the work of my Archetypal Lineage and Bright Principles.
A part of me feels sad to be so human, with physical body limitations.
Another part of me feel so very glad that my physical body can taste some of the best Tarta de Queso con Dulce de Leche overlooking the ocean while being blinding by the sunlight in humorous conversation with Lisa-Maria.
Looking back on my Path of Evolution, I think our work is supposed to be anticlimactic. There is no top of the mountains, there is no arrival line, there is not trophy or certificate. We do the work, and the work is the celebration.
Last night, my celebration was to give my room to Ana-Maria to have a safe place to do Gremlin Transformation, and hugging up to Lisa-Maria and Charlotte while we read Herbal Cards, ate dark chocolate, played with the kitten of the house, and plotting the next steps for SOMOS (Lisa-Maria, Charlotte and Ana-Maria's project in Tenerife): Center for the creation of Regenerative Cultures... which are:
These Women are holding space tonight for a Women's Possibility Team (it takes place every Monday in La Orotava). There will be an Introduction to Rage Club every Saturday for the next two months on the island to prepare for a Rage Club Series. Ana-Maria and Charlotte are holding space for a emotional inner navigation series called, Awaken The Wild Heart. On the 12 December, they are welcoming the different Evolutionary Refugees of Tenerife to plant the seed of Archan Thoughtware Upgrade for Regenerative Culture. In March 2025, @VeraLuisaFranco will deliver the first Expand The Box in Tenerife (and the Canary Islands).
I have much more to write about the Tour. I made a deal this morning with @CharlotteChalkley that I will write an article about the Tour. And so I will.For now, I am on my way back to my beloved @ClintonCallahan who I have been missing too much these last days. Thank you dear Clinton for being our number #1 fan and supporter. It is not just me who loves you, every women of the Tour said so!
I am also on my way forward to my next Archan Experiment: the Cavitation Bridge-House that starts on December 5. We are 12 Expand The Box Trainers, and Trainer-in-Training moving in together for 6 weeks to rocket-start ourselves and our projects into new dimensions. The Cavitation Bridgehouse is in Crete (website to come) with @ClintonCallahan, @VeraLuisaFranco, @meredithwitt, @dawaychouren, Devin, @Marina_F_Mello, @SusanneHutzler, @LisaOmmert, @gabrielafagundess, Gabriela, and Sophia Wegele.
I love you all.
A Women of Earth.